Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Psi Azylek

Mrrrr! I am Zosia and I lived on plots, where I was fed with good people. One day, I was crawling to the allotment gazebo. I had two feet damaged and I was in poor condition. The hind leg was torn out of the pond and I was threatened with amputation. The front was uncommon. Fortunately, a very wise doctor was found for me, who undertook to operate the paw and you know what? Today I go to all four! Then I had a few weaker moments, where a temporary babysitter took me on a vet's signal, but I am strong and I did not give up! Now I use pleasure: I like fun, stroking and eating. Maybe someone would like to give me a cat's sweat? I am polite and I do not crash at all!

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